Frequently Asked Questions Why is the format called Blu-ray Disc?
The name comes from the fact that the laser beam which reads the data from the discs is blue instead of red, which is used for current DVDs and CDs.
What do I need to watch Blu-ray Disc high definition movies?
• HDTV (preferably 1080p resolution)
• HDMI cables (for the best picture quality)
• Blu-ray Disc player or PlayStation 3 (Blu-ray Discs will not play on DVD players)
• Blu-ray movies
• Surround sound speaker system (5.1 or 7.1 channel)
• High-quality analog cables or digital optical cables

Can I play DVDs on a Blu-ray Disc player?
Yes, your DVDs will play on all existing Blu-ray Disc players.
What does "region code" mean for Blu-ray Discs and players?
Blu-ray Discs are digitally encoded with a "region code" (A, B, or C, sometimes referred to as 1, 2, or 3), which allows the disc to play only in a Blu-ray player with the same region code. This system is similar to that for DVDs and was developed to enable studios to control various aspects of a title’s release (content, date, price, etc.) according to region. A "region-free" disc is one that can play in all players around the world.
Will the Playstation 3 play Blu-ray movies?
Yes, the Playstation 3 includes a built-in Blu-ray drive that plays Blu-ray Discs. Additionally, a standard remote control similar to a DVD remote can be purchased separately.
Can I play a Blu-ray Disc on a DVD player?
No. Blu-ray Discs play on Blu-ray players, Playstation 3, or Blu-ray drives for computers and will not play on DVD players.
What if I already own an HDTV that's 720p? Do I need to buy a 1080p HDTV if I want to watch Blu-ray?
No. While your 720p won't maximize the native 1080p picture of your Blu-ray discs, the high definition picture produced by your HDTV and Blu-ray player will still look very good—significantly better than whatever you were used to watching.
Do I need an internet connection to watch Blu-ray?
No. An internet connection is not needed to watch Blu-ray.
Are Blu-ray movies available in full frame?
Blu-ray movies are delivered in the original theatrical aspect ratio, which is widescreen (also known as 16:9 aspect ratio). Since all HDTVs are also widescreen format, generally your movies will fill up the screen. However, depending on the film, sometimes you will see small black bars on the top and bottom of your screen, but significantly smaller than you would see when watching a widescreen movie on a standard definition TV.
If I play a DVD on an HDTV, will the picture be HD?
No. Playing a DVD on an HDTV will still produce a standard definition picture, since DVDs are standard definition. You need a Blu-ray player, HDMI or DVI cable from your player to your HDTV, and high definition content from a high definition disc such as Blu-ray in order to see a high definition picture.
I have a DVD player that upscales to 1080p; does it look as good as a Blu-ray Disc?
No. An upscaling DVD simulates a 1080p picture by doubling the number of lines displayed on your HDTV. Since the content on the DVD is not high definition, it will not match the picture quality or clarity of true 1080p source content on a Blu-ray Disc.
What is the Digital TV transition I've heard about?
On February 17, 2009, television stations will stop all analog broadcasts and only broadcast digitally. Older analog TVs receiving over-the-air programming will still work after that date, but owners of these TVs will need to buy converter boxes to watch television. Households that subscribe to cable or satellite service will not be affected by this transition.
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